Height (aka DEM) Data

There are 2 data sets avialable for download ,directly from within DEM Earth.

  • STRM (90 meter samples)   FAQ..
  • ASTGTM 2 (30 meter samples) FAQ..
  • ALOS 30   (R21 or greater)
  • ALOS 90  (R21 or greater)

  • 60 Degrees north
  • 56 Degrees south

The quality of this DEM data can differ a lot.

In some parts of the world its very poor, in other parts of the world, it is very good (USA & Europe)

However, CinemaPlugins.com does not own,  sell or license, STRM or ASTGTM or any other height data to end users. 

Important : We offer no guarantee for the quality or availability of any height data.

Can you check an area for quality before I buy the plugin ?

YES:  if you ask nicely, we will check your area of interest for you, and send you a screen shot. But please understand, we do not sell height data. You can always get better data, by paying for it from any third party, or asking us if we can help with your needs.