Account Abuse and Fair Use
If you abuse your account, your account may be suspended, or deleted.
What is account abuse?
If you share your account with other users, , then your account license will clock up a lot of uses. If you create 100 DEM Earths, every day for a year, your account will show 36500 uses. It is impossible to clock this many uses in a month, on one account, as the licensing is cached. If we see that your account has had excessive activity, over a short time period, and is clearly being abused, your account may be suspended, and your license, and support may be revoked.
Abuse - Competitors
- If you use DEM Earth to produce any product that competes with DEM Earth, or any other product or service of or the author of this software, your account may be suspended. That includes, for example, building pre-built scenes and selling or offering them in such a way that end users would no longer need DEM Earth or selling *stock images or scenes, that is clearly just the product of DEM Earth..
- If you sell or resell products that are obviously just DEM Earth output or derivatives, and you use DEM Earth to obtain or generate maps or any data which you intend to resell, as a downloadable electronic product or service, that would compete with DEM Earth or any cinemaplugins product or service, we reserve the right to suspend your account.
Fair Use
Fair use is ~200 account accesses per license, per day (that is a lot). If you hammer our servers, day and night, trying to download everything you can get your hands on, don't be surprised if your account gets suspended. There is no need to be greedy, and this behavior is both expensive for us, as well as being bad for everyone else.
For height data you can trigger an excessive requests alarm if you reach over 4k requests in 60 secs. if that trigger happens more than once, your account may be suspended, requiring you to renew your support. Above 6k downloads in 60 secs is an automatic suspension. 4k requests in 60 secs a lot, and not easy to do. you have an internet connection + hardware which allows you to do that. This causes excessive costs and we have no choice but to mitigate and actively protected against that level of usage.
A suspension is shown in your prefs, the next time your license is fetched. it does not kick in immediately, but it will prevent you from using the plugin in your next session.