DEM Earth - Smart OSM Object
In the DEM Earth 4.073, the Smart OSM object was updated, with improvements and new features.
- keys : These are preset search names.
- Query : you can read all about query arguments here..
- The include filter: lets you punch in the name of one or more, comma separated regular expressions, which then exclude anything that does not fit that expression.i.e. if you want to see anything that contains the name street just type in *street, you can then add *lane, or the number *1 or 99. or you can type in an exact address, or road name if you want. try it :)
- Clip : in previous Smart OSM versions, clipping was done at import. Now it is done when your splines are being generated. this means we can change what the data is clipped against, after import, or add new data, from specific areas, on demand. Smart OSM now takes advantage of multi-threading, and a better algorithms, to speed things up enough, so we can generate the resulting splines much quicker, whilst clipping them against either a DEM Earth parent, or a parent Poly Object border.
- Color Seed : Colors of splines are randomly generated, based on the type name of the object. i.e. highway::street. A hash number is generated from the group text name + the phrase you enter as the color seed, to determine the end color. This is a nice alternative way of giving you random variation from a text phrase, rather than a number.
- Height Unit : this lets you define if all values are in meters or feet. You should leave it at meters, which is the common unit for Openstreetmap.
- Interpolation distance. if this is set to anything other than 1000, it will add points, to any way lines, that are longer than the unit length. i.e. if you set this to 10 meters, it will add enough points, to any line, so that the distance between points, is at least the interpolation distance. The Measurement is in real world distance, not simply cinema4d space, and uses haversine formula to measure distance.
- Surface Offset : is a distance in real world meters from the calculated surface height.
- Quantize : if not set to zero, this setting will round lon and lat coordinates, to the value you set. Try it. it was easy to do, is fun to have :)
Info (Smart OpenStreetMap Object)
- Provides some information on what is contains in the OSM Object.