For DEM Earth 5 or greater.

The first thing you need to do after installing DEM Earth is to enter your account name and password.

  • Your account name will be sent to you shortly after we receive your order.
  • You should use your order ref number as your password. The password is set and locked, on first use.
  • Please make a record of your account info. Check the new setting "Save Account To file..".

Where are the DEM Earth prefs ?

  1. Open the c4d preferences.
  2. Open the preferences.
  3. Click on "DEM Earth - Prefs" to see the dem earth preferences dialog.

For R5, The floating license functionality has been rewritten, making it much more practical, and easier to work with.

For the first setup..

  1. Enter your account/username.
  2. Enter your password.
  3. If your account is ready, and your internet connection is not blocking connectivity, the info fields will update.

Top right:

  1. Version : The plugin version you have installed.
  2. Service : The number of service days you have left.
  3. License : Either node Locked, or floating.
  4. Node ID : The node ID of the machine you are on.
  5. Registered ID(s) : Any node ID's registered in your account. One of these needs to match your machine node ID.

Top left:

  1. Download Latest Build.. : You can download the latest build, if your support is up to date.
  2. Renew Your support.. : You can renew your support  at any time.
  3. Upgrade To Floating Lic... : If you have a node locked, license, you can upgrade it at any time to a floating license.
  4. Add Remove/Node ID... : If you have a floating license, you can manually remove or add your current node ID.
  5. Add Additional seats.. : You can have multiple Node ID's registered in your account, by adding additional seats.
  6. Load Account From File.. : If you previously saved your Lic info to a file, you can load it back in from here. This should help you not to lose or forget your account name and/or password. The format for the lic file is yourname_DEMEARTH.lic.  You can not (and should not) rename the lic file. If you rename it, or change it in any way, it invalidates it.

Account info:

  1. Username : Your  account/username. the email address used for your order should work as well.
  2. Password : Your account password. This would usually be your order ref number. Be sure to keep a record of this.
  3. Save Account To file.. :  Once you have connected, you can save your accoutn info to a file. This file can then be used instead of manually entering your name/pw. A file is much less prone to error, and this should save a lot of support. You just need to remember where you saved this info to.
  4. Check for updates :  Will check for updates at your chosen interval.
  5. Auto Release ID On Exit : if you have a floating license, and active support, you can have your node ID detach itself automatically, on exit. It will re-register your ID when you restart and use dem earth.. This is ideal if you work in i.e. in the office, and then at home. Your license will be released when you shut down in the office, and you can then use your license at home.  This will not work if you try to use your account on multiple machines at the same time.  To do that, you would need to add one or more additional seats to your account.

TIP: once your account info is entered and registered, you should immediately save your account info to a file, so that you do not have problems with your username/password in the future.