DEM Earth Specific

Information about the latest build from here..

First time use instructions can be found here here..

Firstly, make sure you enter your account details correctly into your DEM Earth preferences.

  • if either your Username or password are wrong, dem earth will not work.
  • if the node ID( or 11 numbers numbers pre R20) of the c4d install you are working on, do not match what is registered in your DEM Earth account, it will not work.
    • if your firewall is blocking DEM Earth's communication with the server, it can not possibly work.
    • if you are accessing the internet via proxy server. you would then need to allow DEM Earth to pass through your proxy, or it can not possibly work.
    • Make sure you have enough disk space, on the drive where the files are cached to (see DEM Earth prefs/cache folders). If DEM Earth can not save what anything to disk, it can not load anything from disk, and can not work.
    • Make sure that the cache folders are writable. (access rights/permissions) Usually not a problem, but can happen, on macs.

Applicable to all plugins.

  • In R20 or greater, with the new plugin prefs, it is very easy to have the same plugin trying to load from multiple locations. This will cause conflicts. Check the c4d console to see if this is happening. If this is the case, you will need to tidy up your plugins, by finding out where c4d is trying to load the other  version from, and ensure that only one version of a plugin is trying to load.
  • In R19 or below, Install your plugin in the prefs/plugins folder rather than directly in your c4d plugin folder.
  • Sometimes, simply restarting c4d can help.


  • you can upgrade to a floating license from here..
  • Depending on the time of day here in Germany, we may be asleep when you place your order. Your account has to be created before you can use the plugin, We will create your account as soon as possible.